Squadron Airborne

Squadron Airborne

Cover of the Great Pan edition
Author Elleston Trevor
Country United States
Language English
Published 1955 by Manor Books
Media type Print (Hardback)
Pages 220 pp
ISBN 0532152700

Squadron Airborne (also titled "Squadron Airborn") is a 1955 novel by Elleston Trevor. The plot revolves around the fighter pilots and ancillary personnel of a fictional Spitfire squadron in September 1940. At the beginning of the story a newly trained 19-year-old pilot, Peter Stuyckes (pronounced "Stewks") arrives at Westhill (a fictitious Home Counties aerodrome near a fictitious town called Melbury), joining an established squadron already in the thick of the fighting. Less than a week later, after a number of aerial battles and many sub-plots concerning airmen and ground staff alike, the squadron is rotated to Lincolnshire for rest and refit, having taken heavy casualties.

This was the eighth novel to be released by Trevor under his own name although he had many other titles under different pen-names.

Plot summary

Pilot Officer Stuyckes arrives at Westhill and immediately suffers a mishap on a borrowed bicycle on presenting himself at his new Flight. This provokes mild amusement among his fellows and presages a near-disaster when, on being taken up for an introductory flight by Squadron Leader Charlie Mason, he is so preoccupied with making a textbook landing approach that he forgets to lower his undercarriage and has to be sarcastically reminded. Keen to make an impression, he succeeds in downing a German bomber on his first sortie but is attacked and seriously damaged, forcing him to make a belly landing for real although impressing the ground staff with how well he manages this.

While the green Stuyckes is adapting to life on the front line, it is seen that the more experienced members of Westhill Squadron (codenamed "Vestal" and never referred to by number in the book) have their own share of problems. Even Charlie Mason, regarded as invincible by many of the squadron, is beginning to suffer doubt before the end of the story, and many characters do worse:

At the end of the story, Stuyckes is in hospital after a more severe crash-landing, although making light of his injuries and well enough to pester the hospital staff to allow him to telephone Mason to inquire after the squadron's welfare. The squadron has already made its last operation before relocating to Lincolnshire and was able to fly off only seven aircraft (out of twelve) in response to a raid on the aerodrome itself, of whom at least three are mentioned as killed in Mason's conversation with Stuyckes. In addition to Mason himself and the injured Stuyckes, only two other pilots are mentioned as being alive, including one (Collins) who has been a byword for escaping by parachute throughout the story and has done so again.

Stuyckes is never seen making a routine landing. On his second mission he is forced to bale out (sustaining superficial injuries after landing in a bramble patch), leading one of the WAAFs, twenty-year-old Daisy Caplin, who feels a strong sisterly attachment to him, to believe he has been killed when he does not return with the rest of the squadron. After a WAAF officer, who herself is hiding her own grief over a letter she is carrying in her uniform pocket, has interviewed Daisy and delicately inquired if she is illicitly pregnant (the phrase used is "Are you in trouble?"), Daisy sees Stuyckes walking around and only then learns that he had parachuted to safety and made his own way back to base.

Throughout the story, various romantic entanglements are explored. There is a suggestion that Stuyckes had his first sexual experience with a woman named Marcia on the night before he arrived at Westhill; two of the ground staff, both unhappily married, have a passionate affair which is abruptly ended by the transfer of one of them to Oban; and Mason himself becomes aware that Felicity, actually a local heiress working as a war volunteer in the WRVS while hosting five schoolboy evacuees, is strongly attracted to him. Despite the squadron's relocation to Lincolnshire, Mason resolves to return as soon as he has leave, as he finds himself returning Felicity's affection with equal force.

The book closes with the departure of the last survivors of the squadron, other than the hospitalised Stuyckes, and the arrival of a new squadron at the damaged but still operational aerodrome.


No dates are mentioned during the book, but the reference to a raid on Southampton [1] and the arrival of unusually large Luftwaffe formations a few days later along with bombing attacks on towns would suggest that the story begins on or about the 10th of September 1940.


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