Kitaysky Tank

Kitaysky Tank
Studio album by Armen Grigoryan
Released 2006
Recorded Russia, Ukraine, France, 2005–2006
Genre Rock
Label Kvadro-Disk

Kitaysky Tank (Russian: Китайский танк, Chinese tank) is the first solo-album of the Russian rock musician Armen Grigoryan and 3'Angel. The group is named so because this is the third team of Armen Grigoryan.


The album was released in May 2006 and included 12 completely new songs. Two of them, "Chinese tank" and "Ragtime", were already well known to fans as they had a constant rotation on Nashe Radio, Radio Russia and radio "Silver Rain". These songs were used in the series "The students" on the Ren-TV.[1]

Track listing

  1. Freddy Krueger
  2. Agni Yoga
  3. Chinese tank
  4. L'amour De Trois
  5. Student-hermit
  6. My horse
  7. Insanity is inevitable
  8. XXXL
  9. Dear father
  10. It's the End, Sveta!
  11. King-talker
  12. Regtime (bonus track)
  13. Agni-yoga (remix) (bonus track)
  14. Chinese Tank (bonus track)


External links

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