Cotyledon tomentosa

Cotyledon tomentosa in bloom
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Core eudicots
Order: Saxifragales
Family: Crassulaceae
Genus: Cotyledon
Species: C. tomentosa
Binomial name
Cotyledon tomentosa

Cotyledon tomentosa (Bear's Paw) is a species of the Cotyledon genus. Cotyledon tomentosa, native to Africa, has large chunky ovate fuzzy green leaves with prominent "teeth" at tips that give the impression of bear's paws. It forms large orange bell-shaped flowers in spring. In habitat in Africa, Cotyledons usually grow in rocky quartz fields where they have excellent drainage provided by very porous soil. They thrive with bright light and ample airflow. Water thoroughly when soil is dry to the touch. Water with caution in winter, as the plant can lose its roots if the soil stays cold and wet for extended periods. They are dormant in summer. Protect from frost to prevent scarring.[1]

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