Archeparchy of Polotsk

Cathedral of Polotsk

The Archeparchy of Polotsk was an episcopal see of Byzantine Rite Eastern Catholics in what is now Belarus.

The see was based in the city of Polotsk. Its cathedral was the Saint Sophia Cathedral in Polotsk.


Eastern Catholic eparchies within the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1772. The most northerly one, in brown, is the Archeparchy of Polotsk

In 1596, the bishopric of Polotsk, of 13th-century origin, entered full communion with the Catholic Church through the Union of Brest.

To the archeparchy of Polotsk was later added the territory of the eparchies of Micislaw (also of 13th-century origin) and the 10th-century eparchies of Orsha and Vitebsk.[1][2]

In the 1800s, the archeparchy was classified by the Catholic Church as a Ruthenian jurisdiction.[3]

The Russian imperial government suppressed the archeparchy on 25 March 1839.[4]

Archeparchs of Polotsk

The following is a list of the Catholic archeparchs of Polotsk:[5]

See also


  1. Girolamo Petri, Gerarchia della Santa Chiesa cattolica apostolica Romana, Roma 1851, p. 162
  2. Girolamo Petri, Prospetto della gerarchia episcopale in ogni rito e dei vicariati, delegazioni e prefetture in luogo di missione della S. Chiesa Cattolica Apostolica e Romana in tutto l'Orbe al Primo Gennajo 1850, Roma, no date, p. XX
  3. Notizie per l'anno 1833, p. 134
  4. Ієрархія Київської церкви (861-1996), Львів, Каменяр, 1996, pp. 281-288
  5. Kazimierz Dola, "Katalog arcybiskupów i biskupów rezydencjalnych eparchii polskich obrządku grecko-unickiego od Unii Brzeskiej (1596) do roku 1945" in Historia Kościoła w Polsce t. II 1764-1945, cz. 2 1918-1945, Poznań-Warszawa 1979, p. 308
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